Friday, May 16, 2014

Lots of Bottling...

Bottled several beers today. Fresh wine yeast pitched into the bottling bucket for all of them.

1. Pom Lambic. Perfectly clear, nice golden, yellow color. But after talking to a friend who's really good at this he pointed out that the Brett Lambic yeast used doesn't make something a lambic. It's just brett from a lambic. So this is actually an aged Brett golden belgian. Tasted good bite with a hint of esters in the back. No real flavor or much color from the pomegranate. Aiming for 4 volumes of CO2.

2. Oud Bruin. Smells great. Tastes great - sour, but not overly so. Great color and clarity. Not much on the nose however. Bottled to 3 volumes CO2. 

3. Biere de Garde. This had some of the same stuff in the Bruin floating on the surface. Went back and checked everything and don't remember intentionally adding any bacteria or anything, so maybe contamination? Will see. Again, nice color. Taste wasn't quite as malty as I was hoping for / should be, could be related to the low mash temp. 3 volumes CO2.

Tastings in the next few weeks...

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