#16 was inspired by two things:
1. My desire to make a truly great West Coast IPA (hasn't happened yet)
2. The article on hop bursting in the latest Zymurgy
My recipes were trending towards late hop additions to try and minimize the bitterness while maximizing hop flavors and aroma based on the early results from the hop-series. The Zymurgy article takes those findings and that concept to an entirely different level.
It will be interesting to see what almost no bittering hops (some first wort), big additions at flameout, and dry-hopping does. Hops chosen are all traditional West-coast hops; Simcoe, Cascade, Chinook (hence CASIMOOK). Instead of the usual 1 oz of hops for the previous IPA recipes this one has 3 oz! Recipe below:
OB - 14.8, OG - 1.060, EG - 1.062